11 de julio de 2011

"Bullets" (Archive, "Controlling Crowds, Pts. I-III")

Come touch me like I'm an ordinary man
Have a look in my eyes
Underneath my skin there is a violence
Its got a gun in its hands
Ready to make Ready to make
Sense of

Anyone anything, anyone anything
Anyone anything, anyone anything
Anyone anything

Black holes living in the side of your face
Razor wires spinning around your...
Blistering sky, blistering sky, blistering sky

Bullets are the beauty
of the blistering sky
Bullets are the beauty
And I don't know why

Bullets are the beauty
of the blistering sky
Bullets are the beauty
And I don't know why

Personal responsibility x4

Come find me, let me be the lesser of a beautiful land
Without the blood on his hands
Come and make me a martyr come and break my feeling with your violence
With a gun to my head

Ready to take, ready to take
Ready to take, ready to take out

Anyone anywhere, anyone anywhere
Anyone anywhere, anyone anywhere
Anyone anywhere

Black holes living in the side of your face
Razor wires spinning around your....
Blistering sky, blistering sky, blistering sky

Bullets are the beauty
of the blistering sky
Bullets are the beauty
And I don't know why

Bullets are the beauty
of the blistering sky
Bullets are the beauty
And I don't know why

Personal responsibility x4

Black holes living in the side of your face
Razor wires spinning around your....
Blistering sky, blistering sky, blistering sky

Bullets are the beauty
of the blistering sky
Bullets are the beauty
And I don't know why

Bullets are the beauty
of the blistering sky
Bullets are the beauty
And I don't know why

Personal responsibility x10
Personal responsibility (insanity) x8

2 comentarios:

José Luis dijo...

Por si fuera interesante o útil para esa Asociación o sus afiliados, he publicado el siguiente blog:
Se trata de una guía breve y práctica para que los amantes del campo y la montaña podamos sembrar/plantar árboles, casi sobre la marcha, aprovechando las semillas que nos dan los árboles de la región y, en algunos casos, los esquejes que de ellos podemos hacer.

José Luis Sáez Sáez

jabi dijo...

Compañero José Luis, excepto que me explicaras la relación que existe entre la entrada en la que publicas y tu comentario, que actualmente se me escapa y eso que me creo bastante competente creando asociaciones que ni existen... Excepto en ese caso, te diré que lo que haces no creo que le haga mucho bien a la información en la red. Se llama off topic (por lo menos, lo podrías haber indicado).

Respecto al tema que enlazas, está muy bien tu amor al campo y a la montaña (que comparto) pero bien podría tratarse de pedofilia o venta de armas, es indiferente, el fin no justifica los medios.

Te mando un saludo,
Javier Cano Linares